Podio Workflow

The first step in designing your Podio Workflow is to collect all relevant data. This includes all processes, employee roles, spreadsheets, communication funnels; everything that your business needs to operate. It’s important to collect and diagram all data before the design process begins to avoid reworking an area. Once you get into development, seemingly small workflow changes can quickly escalate to pouring hours into reworking your process. Designing a Podio Workflow can be complex, so if you are inexperienced make sure you begin with a simple Workflow solution.



Diagram out your business data before you start building with Lucidchart. Lucidchart allows users to generate a document like the one featured below. Any entity relationship diagram (ERD) software will work just as well. Make sure you present the Podio Workflow to different employee roles to make sure that you have a deep understanding of their role.


Podio Workflow | Defined Ventures, Inc.


For your own sanity, decide on a timeline and end goal before you begin and hold yourself to that timeline. Making yourself more efficient is great, but if you are a small business owner then you also need to get the actual work done. Don’t lose the forest for the trees.