
Shutting off the alerts, unsubscribing from newsletters and turning off the push notifications. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen for seeing the weaknesses that held businesses...
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You never know if the toes you step on today are attached to the A$$ you are kissing tomorrow. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen for...
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Always be honest with yourself and with others. Ask for help when you need it and never be too proud. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen...
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Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen for seeing the weaknesses that held businesses...
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Sometimes we get lost in life and we question what we can be certain of. Here are four tools that help us find the truth: 1) I think therefore, I exist 2) A priori knowledge/ definitions 3) The law of non-contradiction 4) One thing is certain and that is: nothing is certain. You Define Your...
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“Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen for seeing the weaknesses that held businesses back...
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Don’t let the little things upset you. Because in a few days when you look back at it, you’ll probably have forgotten what you were upset about in the first place. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that...
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Value your education and the resources available to you. Don’t take it for granted because many people in this world do not have the kind of opportunities that you may have. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that...
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How I look at it Positivity: Making good things happen Wishful thinking: Hoping good things happen. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen for seeing the weaknesses...
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This can be one reason to value life, it shouldn’t be the only reason. You Define Your Future Founded by Aaron Boerger Co-Creator Cameron P. Aaron BoergerPresident and founder of DVI, Aaron Boerger realized early in life that he had a unique combination of x-ray vision and business acumen for seeing the weaknesses that held...
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We are a team of business consultants, software engineers, and designers, that help stressed-out businesses strategize, streamline operations, and automate processes.